Known as the fish of 10,000 casts Musky can be caught on a variety of rivers and lakes within a day’s fishing trip of Glendorn using 10weight fly rods, rigged with sinking lines and flies often 12” in length. Musky is probably the most challenging species we pursue, the payoff is a fly caught fish often over 50” in length.
The warm water rivers and lakes surrounding Glendorn are filled with “Bronzebacks” May through October is the best time to chase “Smallies”. Anglers often agree that smallmouth rank as one of the best fighters, pound for pound, on the fly.
Hailed in Europe as a popular game species, the freshwater carp in America has been classified as a nuisance fish until recently when fly fishing guides popularized it as the “Freshwater Bonefish”. Guides chase carp on their days off the trout rivers. Carp are often more challenging to catch on the fly than the most finicky trout, we are fortunate to have a world class, dry fly carp fishery near Glendorn. May through October is prime time in the morning and late evenings to chase Carp with dry flies.
Spring time is a great time to catch Northern Pike in the shollow waters of bays in our region lakes. While we catch pike often times fishing for Musky, they can be targeted individually on our inland waters.
The smaller cousin to the Striper can be caught in the shallow waters of our regions lakes using baitfish imitations. The White Bass puts up a wonderful fight on a 5wt. fly rod.
Walleye are a fun fish on the fly when they are in the rivers surrounding Glendorn on their annual spawning run. Walleye can be caught on light fly tackle and are a excellent eating fish.